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Friday, November 12, 2010


While pondering over the much hyped movie Enthiran, by the lucky pair Shankar and Rajinikanth, one feels compelled to compare the ways movies were released  a few decades ago with those of today...

No doubt Cinema is an entertainment to all...rich and poor, young and old, male and female... alike. But is it necessary to give so much hype for a movie? There were days when movies used to celebrate Silver jubilee, Golden Jubilee and Platinum Jubilee...The movies celebrated the run of a movie for 25 weeks, 50 weeks and 100 days and so on.

Today, the posters boast of a movie even when it is in the theaters for only 25 days (and that too we do not know the number of viewers...whether the house was at least half filled or not).

House full shows and people returning without getting their tickets, booking for a show well in advance,are all features of the past.

The most pathetic thing about mad fans is they celebrate their idol's film release by doing abhishekam of milk (pouring/bathing the cut out with milk) on the actor's cut out...It would be very welcome and much appreciated if they donate/distribute this milk or even food or rice to the needy on the day of the release of a film of their matinee idol.

Fans must realize that they stand where they are, gaping with their mouths open at these actors who manage to keep romancing with young girls even in their 6os while the actors whom they idolize go far above them, unreachable in status and quite secured for themselves as well as their off springs.

When will these mad fan following of supreme stars mend their ways and instead be more concerned of their own families?

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