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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Super Supper of affection and taste...

I would like to share the beautiful moments I had as a child when I was about 8 years or so.

Very often during dinner time, my mother used to mix rice and "sambar" or "vatha kuzhambu" (both are South Indian gravies) in a basin and Rice and curd in another basin. Then we (me along with my elder brother and sister) used to sit round her on the floor. She would make small balls of the rice and place in our hands in turn. Next she would give the curd rice in our hands and for every round she would pour some vatha kuzhambu as a topping for the curd rice.

This way we used to enjoy the meals very much as it would be extra tasty as it was filled with our mother's affection and love...

Today, a modern mother hardly spends quality time with her kids (and mostly it is a single kid). She has to struggle a lot to make her kid eat. So in a fast paced world, she offers fast foods as the child wishes and rushes to her workplace. Hence there is high obesity among children of today at a very young age. The kids are also deprived of the affection and love we used to get during dinner time.

Let us make it a point to spend quality time with our family at least during dinner time, without watching TV, get to know about each others' experience of the day, enjoy our meals in a happy atmosphere sharing and showing our love for one another.


Unknown said...

your blog brought back so many memories...................i have had similar opportunity of being showered with affection while being fed with such rice-balls..........hot rice with ghee and thogaiyal............mmmmmmmmmmm.....if life was not on a fast-track like it is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jayashree S Kumar said...

Thank you Sudha...

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