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Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Pride of India...

We all know that India is a very ancient country and many many discoveries and inventions have been done even many centuries ago. Aryabhatta, Sushrusha, Panini, Patanjali are only a few examples of our Indian geniuses.

But sadly, we fail to note their importance and go in search of habits and practices of the Western world. we recognise our own value only when the Western community highlights our potential and lauds our achievements. Many examples can be given...our own actor Shivaji Ganesan was award by France with the prestigious Chevalier award. We failed to give him the due recognition nationally in his lifetime. Nagesh, a veteran comedian who also was a great character actor has not been given the due credit by our indian govt.

Yoga is being popularised by us now, only after the westerners started praising and practising it.

We need to be proud to have the greatest scientists, artists, actors, musicians, soldiers, commandos, and it would be very nice if our own country recognises their talents in time and give them their due credit in their lifetime.

In this context i would like to add a VDO...pls check it up, because even this is our own practice in temples and punishment in schools...but practising it seems to give u the benefit as the "westerners" say...Check it out


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