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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Go Green in an E world....

Go green in an E world.....
Though we are living in an age or era of E-world, the use of paper has not been reduced in any way. In fact its usage has been increasing. Paper is produced by cutting trees and this results in disturbing the greenery in our environment leading to the biggest Universal problem of Global warming....
Let us try to reduce the usage of paper in the best possible manner by following certain things :-
1) Send Documents via E mail or Fax.
2) Buy recycled paper.
3) Keep your misprints as draft papers.
4) Make use of both sides of paper for printing.
5) Re-use paper bags.
6) Buy recycled paper paper for your work place.
7) Check your work before printing so that you don't need to throw away because of the errors.
8) Print directly on the envelopes instead of using labels on the envelope.

Deforestation caused due to paper production is thought to be a bigger cause for global warming than transport.

Let us remember that one tonne less paper saves
17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 6593 gallons of water, 587 pounds of air pollution, 4077 kilowatt hours of energy, 3.06 cubic yards of landfill space.....

Go green in helping and making your environment free from pollution. Let us help to save the world from global warming for the sake of our future generations......

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