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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jai Ho.....

Abhishek Srikumar has an interest in Video mixing and editing too. The following Video is a proof of his interest....

Enjoy listening to the Oscar winning song Jai Ho of A R Rehman and our own Surya dancing to the tune of Jai Ho.....(remixing Varanam ayiram song...A thee a thee).


PTX Digital Token said...

Superb video...thanks for providing.

Jayashree S Kumar said...

Thank you mike for commenting...varanam Ayiram is a hit movie in Tamil(released a few months ago). The hero Surya who dances in the song (to Jai Ho tune mixed by Abhishek), has acted very well in the roles of father and son. He has reduced his weight so much to look like a teenager who slowly grows into a young man...If you happen to get that movie, Please do see it. You may like it. And of course, A R rehman is a geniues. No wonder he received the Oscar though late...

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