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Sunday, September 6, 2009

3 Lil words....

One of the most beautiful things while parenting is to hear the baby talk his or her first words in a sweet voice and tone. We love to see the kids take their first step and to hear them utter their first words.

We should remember as parents to teach them 3 beautiful words...."Thank u, please, and sorry." This we can teach them by using them quite often in our conversations, as kids grasp whatever we speak when they start learning to speak. So we should be careful in not using foul language. Kids are also very fast in learning new languages especially till they turn 5 years say experts. so we can make them learn new things, new words and new languages gradually by exposing them to such new things.


Anonymous said...

Very true.As a toddler , children grasp very fast . So parents need to care on their body language , their expression , words ,language , behaviour , etc .,as children picks and learns all this from his own parents

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